not forgotten . . .

Bernie Grant

Mexico, NY -

Bernie purchased the former Max Dowker #7 in 1971 and went racing at Oswego for two seasons. He finished 14th in the 1971 points (right behind Todd Gibson), and 27th in points in '72. Bernie was one of the "cross-over" competitors at Oswego, having raced for several years during the modified coupe era. As a matter of fact he loaned his #7 modified to Eddie Bellinger Sr. on Sept. 16th, 1961 for the season ending Fall Championship, and Eddie finished 3rd in what would turn out to be the final race of the modified era.







This is Nolan Johncock (aka Jack James) getting some "air time" in the former Max Dowker #7 the night that the car had been sold to Bernie. Nolan did manage to stay on the right side of the fence at Oswego this time.

they got 'er patched up and Bernie was ready to go!

Grant out side of Andy Brown


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