not forgotten . . .

Glenn Schurr

Toronto, Canada
24.Mar.1923 - 04.Apr.1975

He was my hero, He was a hard charger who drove the wheels off a car and never wrecked anybody. When I started racing, I wanted to be like him. I put his number, 36, on my first race car and I’ve never had another number. And every racing car I’ve had, including this one, has ’36 for Schurr’ written across the front.

. . . from Gary Elliott (Late Model racer at Flamboro Speedway)

Glen Schurr was my father and it was wonderful to see him in your tribute pages. I have many fond memories growing up at Flamboro. I remember when it was just a big open field before Dad and his three partners began the construction process. I remember riding in the back of the pick up truck while it was driven around the track to sweep it clear for the races that night. I also remember traveling to Oswego, Bridgeport, Syracuse, Delaware and cheering on Dad, Jimmy Howard, Jack Greedy, Nolan Swift .
Thanks for including Gary Elliot's comments. Gary is a great guy and we are so glad that Dad's number is still alive and well. The number 36 still means so much to all of us - we take pictures of doors in Europe with 36 on them, we use 36 in our email addresses, we chose 36 in our lotto tickets, we guess 36 when picking a number between 1 and 100 .
He was only 52 years old when he died of a heart attack while trying to dig out senior citizens after a freak snow storm that closed the roads for days!
. . . from Beverly Hincks (third of 4 kids born to Glen and Mary Schurr)

Here's a pic (below) of Glenn Schurr taken at Flamboro Speedway in 1967, the last year that supermodifieds ran regularly at Flamboro. 1967 was also the first year that my father starting taking my brother and I to see supermodifieds. We used to cut pictures out of programs and put them in a scrapbook, which I still have.

Note the writing on the picture (written by a super-crazy kid at age 8, 42 years ago). Glenn's nickname was "Colonel" and he was my father's favourite supermodified driver. My brother's was "Smilin" Jack Greedy, mine was "Leadfoot" Harvey Lennox. Harvey is still alive and well. He retired from supermodified racing in 1972. I spoke to him at the Cayuga ISMA event this summer. My brother was astonished that I still recognized him after so many years. It was cool telling him that he was my boyhood racing hero 40 years ago.
  . . . from Mark Floyd (10/2/2009)

1959, at Pinecrest






Glenn also served as promoter at CNE

Glenn congratulates Howie Scannell on a win. Not sure what the head-dress is about.. :)

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